Indrajeet Gour
Indrajeet Gour An Data Engineer who loves to work share the ideas of Big data, Cloud and other technologies.

How to install Postgres Client on RedHat/CentOS

How to install Postgres Client on RedHat/CentOS

To install the Postgres Client on the another client server, it is very easy to do.

Just follow the following steps

I have postgres server of version 11, so do I install this client libs:

 yum -y install postgresql11 && yum clean

Onces you successfully installed, then you can use your postgres server informations to test the connectivity, like this

export PGPASSWORD='yourdbpassword'
[root@userserver]# psql -U username -p 5430 --host yourpostgresserver -d yourdb --command 'select * from yourtablename'

Few everything going fine than you would able to see the resultset on the client console.

Note - never forget to open the firewall between your posgres server host and your client server on the mentioned postgres input.

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